January 2024 Energetic Forecast
Welcome to the Monthly Energetic Forecast for January 2024
Alchemia's intention in creating these forecasts is to tap into the collective energetic patterns, cycles and themes approaching in the month ahead. Forecasts serve to provide us with insight, and perspective. Ultimately Alchemia's monthly forecasts can provide a level of reassurance that we are not alone in experiencing the collective influences at play and help to prepare us to navigate more intentionally. These forecasts go live on the last Wednesday of every month, providing insights into the month to come.
What type of forecast?
Within these forecasts, Alchemia will incorporate an array of tools and practices to provide a rounded perspective of themes, archetypal energies and other factors to be aware of, in the coming month.
A few Modalities Alchemia Employs:
Astrology- Alchemia will cover the major transits, lunar phases and other important astrological events.
New and full moons- the archetype of the zodiac they fall in
Zodiac season transition
Major planetary transits
The Gene Keys- an incredible synthesis from Richard Rudd, the Gene Keys provide a “pulse” for the current energetics at play and Alchemia will break down the current Gene Keys to consider throughout the month.
The Pulse Calendar
64 Gene Keys
The Wheel of the Year- Living in tune with the seasons and the spinning of the wheel of the year is incorporated in many earth-based practices. Incorporating these celebrations and events into our forecasts allows us to ground spiritual practices into the physical.
The stories around different sabbaths and celebrations
Rituals, associations, correspondences and the cyclical wisdom of the earth.
Current Events- the collective creates energetic emphasis around specific events or holidays, and Alchemia will incorporate them into our forecasts.
Current wars/politics etc
Tarot- Pulling specific cards can allow us to hone into the energetics and get a cohesive overview of the month ahead, tying together the previously discussed modalities.
Month theme card from our year forecast
A card for our Subconscious/Shadow- to avoid or manage
A card for our conscious/Light- To call in and embody
Intuition - Interlaced throughout our entire forecast will be the utilization of our oracle and connection to the collective energies. Alchemia will share personal insights, interpretations and intuitive hits to provide a thorough and diverse approach to the energetic challenges or influences to come.
With all of Alchemia's offerings, we come to you as fellow students on the path of self-discovery. It is our highest hope that in sharing our insights with you, you are empowered to show up and live an authentic, joy-filled life. In no way do we intend these forecasts to be a form of future or fortune telling, and offer them to the collective as an energetic “weather forecast”, so you can dress accordingly for the month ahead.
Happy January!