How to prepare for plant medicine ceremony

sitting in meditation and preparing your mind for ceremony in the jungle

How and why do we prepare for plant medicine ceremony?

Preparation for a plant medicine ceremony is where most people get stuck, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of emphasis on the preparation for the ceremony by most enthusiasts. Alchemia believes this step is just as important as the actual ceremony. So how do we prepare to get the most out of our ceremony or retreat? Entering into a relationship with a plant spirit medicine isn't to be taken lightly and being intentional with our preparation brings a sense of reverence to the process. In this article, we are speaking about preparing for a plant medicine ceremony, however, you can apply these principles when preparing for other sacred ceremonies as well. 

Why is Preparation important? 

Many individuals today can be very flippant with their commitments to plant medicine ceremonies, and though there is a benefit to going with the flow in life, here at Alchemia we take a more serious and grounded approach to such a commitment. Choosing last minute to do a plant medicine ceremony doesn’t give us adequate time to settle into our commitment and be sure we are meeting the plant spirit and ourselves, with respect and safety. Perhaps, this flippant and ungrounded attitude towards ceremony is why so many can be so scared of the process for themselves, thinking that this ungrounded approach won’t work for them.  We assure you that your ceremony can be safe and fulfilling when approached intentionally, and adequate preparation is done.  This important step is ideally guided by the facilitator but ultimately is up to you to execute. 

people preparing for ceremony in the winter in the mountains with their hands over their heads

We recommend committing to your ceremony at least a few months prior depending on the plant spirits you are communing with. This is the best practice for your first ceremony or retreat especially. This will give you time to prepare your body, mind, and soul for the process, and will show the plant spirits that your commitment is serious. It's easy to commit to anything last minute, you don’t have time to change your mind. When you commit sooner, you will be given multiple opportunities by your shadows and the plant spirits, to reaffirm your intentions and commitment which can require you to be brave enough to show up for your ceremony again, and again. Many don’t realize that the shifts start to happen within you the moment you commit to your ceremony. These plant spirits have no boundaries, they begin working with you and helping you prepare to get the most out of your ceremony in all areas of your life. 

One of the key concepts for ceremony, in general, is that everything is vibration, and when we are entering into a ceremony with vibrational medicine, having a “clean” or“pure” vibration is beneficial. In this way, we can view ceremony prep as a purification process that allows us to connect clearly to a spiritual vibration. Yes, you can go into a ceremony without prep, but it may become challenging to distinguish between the vibrations of the foods you eat, the people you see, the thoughts you carry, and even the television shows you watch. Ideally, we want to meet the medicine as ourselves, not the energies we interact with daily. Committing to preparation shows your dedication and your intention to connect clearly with yourself and the plant medicine vibration, and may lead to a more effective ceremony. It can be helpful to view the preparation process as an opportunity to sift through and sort what is relevant and belongs in ceremony space. 

So what do we need to consider when prepping for our plant medicine ceremony? Well if we’re looking for lasting change in all areas of your life, we’re going to need to create a preparation plan that addresses all areas of our lives. We need to make plans to prepare our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Preparing Our Bodies for Ceremony:

Preparing our bodies for ceremony can be a challenging but necessary step to a safe ceremony, and for newcomers, this is often the bulk of the focus of their prep. The most obvious and asked about prep is that around the diet. Many don’t advocate for any dietary preparation prior to the ceremony, but we at Alchemia believe that safety comes first. Some plant medicines will have certain foods and medications that are contraindicated (meaning they may have negative interactions and should be eliminated) due to safety. It’s important that we know, understand and take these guidelines seriously. This may involve working with your doctor to be weaned off of certain medications for at least 6 weeks before your ceremony. This can also involve making drastic changes to your diet, which is best done slowly with adequate time for the body to adjust. 

Depending on the plant that you're meeting, we recommend preparing yourself through diet appropriately. In general diet preparation can involve removing processed and chemically laden foods from your diet. If it’s been processed in any way, or if it has multiple ingredients from the store, avoid it. Some diets closer to ceremony remove oils and salts as well. It is believed that this allows the plant easier access to enter the body.  During this time we eat foods that are less grounding (energetically speaking) as we get closer to ceremony, to allow us to connect more clearly to the plant spirits. You may also be asked to abstain from sex and media closer to your ceremony so your vibration is more pure, and you're not processing wounds and vibrations that are not your own.  

a woman outside in black tight and  yellow shirt meditating on her yoga matt

Here are 5 Areas to Look At When Prepping Our Bodies for Plant Medicine Ceremonies:

  1. Medications: Are you on medications that are contraindicated for ceremony? Many ceremony leaders don’t allow any medication in the ceremony. You may have to work with your doctor to safely come off of these medications for at least 6 weeks before your ceremony. 

  2. Food: Following a diet without sugar, chemicals, processed foods, and preservatives is important. Eat simple food from the earth. You may wish to give up animal protein or red meat (which is very grounding) 1-2 weeks prior to ceremony. You may also be required to give up certain foods for certain plant medicines such as salt, oil, and morecloser to your ceremony. With that being said, remember, it’s important to be well-fed andhave your body nourished for the ceremony, so make sure you aren’t restricting the amount of food or nutrients leading up to the ceremony. 

  3. Products and Chemicals: An area that is very often overlooked, are the products we put on, in and around our bodies. Is there a way you can simplify your home and personal hygiene routine? Can you pick products that are free from harmful chemicals? Many recommend the use of no personal care products during and around ceremony, and we agree it is best to keep things simple. 

  4. Sex: Ceremonies can be big experiences, and it's hard enough to process your own stuff. When we have sex there is a mixing of energy, which can result in us bringing energy into ceremony that isn't ours to deal with or sort through. Most recommend avoiding sex the week before the ceremony even with a monogamous partner. Some recommend up to two months for sex with casual partners. 

  5. Media and Conversations: Another area of consumption that we don’t often consider is what we are consuming through media and our relationships. Abstaining from media is one extreme, but you can also choose just to limit the types of media you engage in. For example abstaining from violent and fear-based media at least a week or two prior to ceremony, will allow you to stay centered in your vibration for ceremony. The same goes with conversations with others in your life, do you complain a lot, or speak negatively? Giving yourself space away from this to be within yourself can help get clear on what is actually serving you. 

woman sitting on rock outside in the fog journaling

Preparing Our Minds for Ceremony:

Preparing our minds for ceremony is maybe not as talked about as preparing the body, but at Alchemia we would argue it is equally as important. As stated earlier, once you commit to a ceremony, you will begin to face all of the reasons why you are afraid to show up for the ceremony. Ideally, we need to stay connected to our “Why” to trust in that divine calling we had to show up in the first place. We’ve seen this time and time again, that participants can self-sabotage and miss the lessons that are being presented before them while preparing for the ceremony.

So how do we work this? Start implementing some tools like journaling and meditation to realign to your center as you start to face the challenging aspects of yourself. Also, knowing and expecting this to happen, will allow you to create a plan so you can resist making any decisions from fear. Instead, as the fear comes up you will be able to work through it in real time, staying connected to your end goal. 

Your thoughts are byproducts of conditioning and coping mechanisms, remembering that you are not your thoughts, and finding ways to debunk the thoughts as they come up with curiosity and consciousness. 

Here are 5 Practices to Prepare Your Mind for a Plant Medicine Ceremony:

  1. Journaling - spending time journaling can help you process as shadows, fears and old patterns emerge during your preparation. 

  2. Meditation - centering into yourself can allow you to stay grounded in your why, and connect to the plants and their magick deepening your relationship. 

  3. Practice Saying “No” - this preparation time is sacred, and saying no to activities, foods, and people that aren’t serving you at this time is important. Prioritize your inner world and focus on you. 

  4. Being in Nature - you and the plants are one with nature, and it is very important to keep your body and nervous system balanced during this time. 

  5. Getting Clear on “What is Yours” - learning your energy boundaries and not taking on other people’s stuff as your own will serve you well in life, and in particular in your ceremony. 

Preparing Our Spirits For Ceremony: 

Spiritually our preparation starts the moment we commit to our ceremony, and maybe even before, when you were contemplating such a potent medicine. Entering into a relationship with a plant spirit is a path of sacredness, and like any relationship it requires nurturing and development. The plant spirits work on realms and dimensions that are so much greater than our human awareness, and a deep trust must be fostered in such a sacred meeting with the plants and yourself. You may not be fully aware of it yet, but in preparation, it is important to be clear about what you are wanting from the plants and from yourself. Spending time with yourself, and utilizing the activities in the mind prep section will also prepare your spirit for your adventure. We strongly recommend keeping your journey sacred and only telling those you trust most about your commitment. This will give you space to form your own relationship with the plant that isn’t clouded by others' preconceived thoughts and opinions. In this space of spirit you can take the time to set a strong intention for your journey, keeping in mind that this will likely shift throughout your prep, as it isn’t uncommon that your intention may be fulfilled prior to your journey. This will leave space for a different and maybe even deeper intention to work with for your ceremony. 

woman eating food out of a camp cooking bowl on a green hill smiling and wearing all black work out gear

Do I Have to Prepare for Ceremony?

Short answer is “No” you do not HAVE to prepare for ceremony. However, we do strongly recommend taking such a serious venture with reverence and respect. This effort and energy that you put into your preparation is a mirror of the respect you have for yourself and your commitment to your inner work. Can you show up for you? 

Whatever preparations you commit to is a promise that you make with yourself and the plants, and doing your best to honor your commitment will infuse your future ceremony with your will and good intentions. Get clear and make a plan before your ceremony, that outlines exactly what preparation you are committing to.

Alchemia is launching a Free Mini-Course on How To Prepare for Plant Medicine Ceremony. This course comes equipped with a detailed online workbook, videos, exercises and discussions to help you navigate your ceremony prep giving you the tools to build a deep and fulfilling connection to the plant realm. Visit our website here to receive this course, we would love to support you during your exciting preparation process! 


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