Alchemia's Almanac

Alchemia's Almanac

a woman sitting down to read something to expand her spirituality and utilize the resources provided by Alchemia on their blog

Take your time and explore the treasure trove of resources designed and created to support your spiritual exploration and expansion. This blog is home to the spiritual seeking and cosmically curious!

Why Ceremony with Plant Medicine?
Alchemia . Alchemia .

Why Ceremony with Plant Medicine?

Why ceremony with plant medicine? What will you get out of it? How can it add to your spiritual journey? In this blog we will delve into the intricacies of plant medicine ceremony, and all of the benefits it may add to your life.

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Mushrooms as Medicine
Alchemia . Alchemia .

Mushrooms as Medicine

Mushrooms are hitting the scene with a punch these days for their incredible influence on mental health and overall ability to expand our understanding of our spiritual selves. In this blog, we discuss macro and micro-dosing mushrooms and explore the magic of psilocybin and the intricate mycelium network!

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