April 2024 Energetic Forecast
Welcome to the Monthly Energetic Forecast for April 2024
Alchemia's intention in creating these forecasts is to tap into the collective energetic patterns, cycles and themes approaching in the month ahead. Forecasts serve to provide us with insight, and perspective. Ultimately Alchemia's monthly forecasts can provide a level of reassurance that we are not alone in experiencing the collective influences at play and help to prepare us to navigate more intentionally. These forecasts go live on the last Wednesday of every month, providing insights into the month to come.
Astrological Events
End of March
Let’s recap the month of March and see what we are moving into April with! If you would like to watch March’s Forecast you can watch it here. Below is a summary of a few of the big events we are working with.
Piscean pool party
Aries Season
Eclipse Season starts on the 25th
Lunar eclipse in Libra
Continuation from the series in October 2023
The next development in those events that started in October 2023
Mercury is retrograde moving into April
April Events and Alignments
Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th- Crosses through America (American focus)
Mars goes conjunct with Saturn in Pisces (Malifics)
Occurs during the eclipse season and while mercury is retrograde
The eclipse is ALSO ruled by Mars
This is a big deal in Pisces and is the end of the series we have had since the 2020 Mars and Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, so this book ends that cycle of events. A shift from the air sign conjunction in 2020 to water in 2024.
Oh and boom, there is ALSO A COMET
At some point around here, Mars also moves into Aries where it is VERY strong
Uranus and Jupiter conjunct (19th of April)
This is a bit more positive and transitions us out of the peak chaos energy
Taurus Season
Planet Pile up in Taurus- Sun Mercury Venus and Jupiter
The Energetics/ Meaning
There is zero downtime.
Individuals are carrying a lot of personal weight right now, we are tired, things are shifting and this is proving to be very frustrating because no one has a clear direction or understanding.
When we are doing this work with all of this Piscean energy it is often occurring in our subconscious minds or as we like to say “behind the scenes”. It’s hard to have compassion for ourselves and others because we don’t necessarily know WHY we are tired or WHY the lady in front of us in line decided to lose her mind.
It's like our higher selves and astral bodies are doing 24/7 renovations and our conscious minds here in the 3D world is tired and paying the price for all the energetic work that is being managed and handled beyond our perceptions.
This Eclipse Season is Messy
There is a lot of intensity and charge in this eclipse season and with that comes collateral damage.
We are contending with Mars and Saturn, and Mercury, and a Comet and Eclipses all at the same time FOLLOWING the Equinox.
Watch what you say, take time and CARE in communicating and when in doubt wait it out.
The Global Stage is Under DECONSTRUCTION
Saturn and Mars are really behaving like a tsunami and crushing the global dynamics as we know them.
Our hearts are tender, tired and need tending.
Macro and Micro deconstruction of power structures and what they do to our humanity. This means our internal tyrants are being called forward and we might be very unkind to ourselves and it also speaks to general compassion burnout.
Adapt or Die- everything is coming at you at 10000 miles an hour
Carrying over a theme from March is this need to continually roll with the punches and learn quickly.
The timelines are speeding up and we need to be able to adapt, integrate and move on.
What versions of you do you need to let go of in order to thrive now?
This is “make the cut” energy.
We need to get to a point as individuals and within a community where we can live from the inside out. Who are you, and what do you need to bring into reality in the 3D?
Do you have tools and skills and have you done your internal and personal work in order to be able to handle the waves that life is going to continue to throw your way?
Tarot Forecast- Year Ahead Spread Card
Ace of Cups
The general theme for the month of April is the Ace of Cups. This card was pulled in our Year Ahead forecast that we reference back to each month. Watch it here for more details about the Ace of Cups and how it shows up in April.
Tender emotional beginnings
Potential Newness
A new way to be of service
A new way to bring our hearts or our essence into the world
Having a cup be so full it/you are overflowing
Conscious Card
7 of pentacles.
The 7 of Pentacles often represents a stage where one is assessing their progress, patiently awaiting results, and understanding the value of hard work and long-term investments. It encourages strategic planning and diligence, promising rewards for dedicated efforts.
Subconscious Card
10 of wands.
The 10 of Wands in a subconscious position signifies a time of overwhelming burden, exhaustion, and limitation. It suggests a need to address feelings of overwhelm, seek support, and avoid carrying too much on one's shoulders. It can also warn against stubbornly shouldering all responsibilities without seeking assistance or finding ways to lighten the load.
Gene Key’s for April
April’s Gene Keys
If you are interested in learning more about these Gene Keys visit the Pulse Calendar here.
Control Authority Valour
Agitation Initiative Awakening (Over solar eclipse)
Expectation Detachment Celebration
Chaos Innovation Innocence
Selfishness Altruism Selflessness
Addiction Invention Silence
What type of forecast?
Within these forecasts, Alchemia will incorporate an array of tools and practices to provide a rounded perspective of themes, archetypal energies and other factors to be aware of, in the coming month.
A few Modalities Alchemia Employs:
Astrology- Alchemia will cover the major transits, lunar phases and other important astrological events.
New and full moons- the archetype of the zodiac they fall in
Zodiac season transition
Major planetary transits
The Gene Keys- an incredible synthesis from Richard Rudd, the Gene Keys provide a “pulse” for the current energetics at play and Alchemia will break down the current Gene Keys to consider throughout the month.
The Pulse Calendar
64 Gene Keys
The Wheel of the Year- Living in tune with the seasons and the spinning of the wheel of the year is incorporated in many earth-based practices. Incorporating these celebrations and events into our forecasts allows us to ground spiritual practices into the physical.
The stories around different sabbaths and celebrations
Rituals, associations, correspondences and the cyclical wisdom of the earth.
Current Events- the collective creates energetic emphasis around specific events or holidays, and Alchemia will incorporate them into our forecasts.
Current wars/politics etc
Tarot- Pulling specific cards can allow us to hone into the energetics and get a cohesive overview of the month ahead, tying together the previously discussed modalities.
Month theme card from our year forecast
A card for our Subconscious/Shadow- to avoid or manage
A card for our conscious/Light- To call in and embody
Intuition - Interlaced throughout our entire forecast will be the utilization of our oracle and connection to the collective energies. Alchemia will share personal insights, interpretations and intuitive hits to provide a thorough and diverse approach to the energetic challenges or influences to come.
With all of Alchemia's offerings, we come to you as fellow students on the path of self-discovery. It is our highest hope that in sharing our insights with you, you are empowered to show up and live an authentic, joy-filled life. In no way do we intend these forecasts to be a form of future or fortune telling, and offer them to the collective as an energetic “weather forecast”, so you can dress accordingly for the month ahead.
Happy April!